smooth7zip API#

This API was generated by Doxygen + Breathe

struct copyable_movable#
#include <traits.hpp>
struct format#
#include <format.hpp>

Public Functions

inline explicit format(uint32_t _index = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), const std::string_view _name = "") noexcept#
inline auto operator==(const format &_other) const noexcept -> bool#
inline auto operator!=(const format &_other) const noexcept -> bool#
inline auto is_valid() const noexcept -> bool#

Public Members

const uint32_t index#
const std::string name#
class format_registry : public detail::enable_copy_move<false, false>#
#include <format.hpp>

Public Functions

inline auto begin() const noexcept -> iterator#
inline auto end() const noexcept -> iterator#
inline auto get(const std::string &_name) const noexcept -> format#
inline auto get(const uint32_t _index) const noexcept -> format#
inline auto count() const noexcept -> size_t#

Public Static Functions

static inline auto instance() noexcept -> format_registry&#

Private Functions

inline format_registry()#
~format_registry() = default#

Private Members

std::map<std::string, format> formats_#
struct iterator#
#include <format.hpp>

Public Types

using value_type = format#
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t#
using pointer = const value_type*#
using reference = const value_type&#
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag#

Public Functions

inline explicit iterator(const std::map<std::string, format>::const_iterator index) noexcept#
inline auto operator*() const noexcept -> reference#
inline auto operator++() noexcept -> iterator&#
inline auto operator++(int) noexcept -> iterator#
inline auto operator==(const iterator &_other) const noexcept -> bool#
inline auto operator!=(const iterator &_other) const noexcept -> bool#

Private Members

std::map<std::string, format>::const_iterator index_#
struct movable#
#include <traits.hpp>

Public Functions

constexpr movable() noexcept = default#
~movable() noexcept = default#
movable(movable&&) noexcept = default#
movable &operator=(movable&&) noexcept = default#
movable(const movable&) = delete#
movable &operator=(const movable&) = delete#
class noncopyable#
#include <traits.hpp>

Protected Functions

noncopyable() = default#
~noncopyable() = default#
noncopyable(noncopyable const&) = delete#
noncopyable &operator=(noncopyable const&) = delete#
struct noncopyable_nonmovable#
#include <traits.hpp>

Public Functions

constexpr noncopyable_nonmovable() noexcept = default#
~noncopyable_nonmovable() noexcept = default#
noncopyable_nonmovable(noncopyable_nonmovable&&) = delete#
noncopyable_nonmovable &operator=(noncopyable_nonmovable&&) = delete#
noncopyable_nonmovable(const noncopyable_nonmovable&) = delete#
noncopyable_nonmovable &operator=(const noncopyable_nonmovable&) = delete#
namespace detail#
namespace smooth7zip#
namespace detail#


template<bool Copy, bool Move>
using enable_copy_move = std::conditional_t<Copy, copyable_movable, std::conditional_t<Move, movable, noncopyable_nonmovable>>#
namespace format#


inline auto get_format_guid(const format &_format) noexcept -> GUID#
inline auto get(const std::string &_name) noexcept -> format#
namespace strings#


inline std::string to_string(const wchar_t *src)#
inline std::string to_string(const std::wstring &wide_str)#
inline std::wstring to_wstring(const char *src)#
inline std::wstring to_wstring(const std::string &str)#
namespace std#

STL namespace.

file git.h
#include <stdbool.h>




GIT_EXTERN_C_BEGIN inline const char *git_ProjectVersion()#

The commit project version.

inline const char *git_ProjectVersionMajor()#

The commit project version major.

inline const char *git_ProjectVersionMinor()#

The commit project version minor.

inline const char *git_ProjectVersionPatch()#

The commit project version patch.

inline const char *git_ProjectVersionTweak()#

The commit project version tweak.

inline const char *git_AuthorName()#

The commit author’s name.

inline const char *git_AuthorEmail()#

The commit author’s email.

inline const char *git_CommitTag()#

The commit last tag.

inline const char *git_CommitTagRevision()#

The commit number since last tag.

inline const char *git_CommitRevision()#

The commit number.

inline const char *git_CommitDateRevision()#

The commit number of the day.

inline const char *git_CommitSHA1()#

The commit SHA1.

inline const char *git_CommitSHA1Short()#

The commit short SHA1.

inline const char *git_CommitDate()#

The commit date.

inline const char *git_CommitTime()#

The commit time.

inline const char *git_CommitTZ()#

The commit TZ.

inline const char *git_CommitSubject()#

The commit subject.

inline const char *git_CommitBody()#

The commit body.

inline const char *git_Describe()#

The commit describe.

file common.hpp
#include <array>
#include <7zip/7zip.h>
#include <7zip/CPP/Common/StringConvert.h>
#include <7zip/CPP/Windows/PropVariant.h>
#include “types.hpp
file traits.hpp
#include <type_traits>
file format.hpp
#include <bitset>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include “smooth7zip/common.hpp
file smooth7zip.hpp
#include “git.h
#include “smooth7zip/format.hpp
file types.hpp
#include <string>
#include <vector>
dir out/build
dir out/build/default
dir src/smooth7zip/include/smooth7zip/details
dir out/build/default/git
dir out/build/default/git/include
dir src/smooth7zip/include
dir out
dir src/smooth7zip
dir src/smooth7zip/include/smooth7zip
dir src